Prioritize According to Available Resources
Divide your items into 4 different categories — ‘must haves’, ‘should haves’, ‘could haves’ and ‘won’t have right nows’ . ‘Must haves’ are the minimum usable subset required for the product to be launched. ‘Should haves’ are not vital to the success of the product , but can have a huge impact on it. ‘Could haves’ are items that you’d like to see in the product, but have less of an impact than ‘Should haves’. ‘Will not have right nows’ are items that are not essential, and without which the product will still be strong. First priority is to handle all of the ‘must haves’. If you still have capacity, start working on the ‘could haves’ and then ‘should haves’; ‘could haves’ and ‘should haves’ should be removed if there’s not enough time or resources.