Level up your product management game with Guru Views

Guru Views is a collection of best practice templates designed to help you become a better product manager, with a click of a button!


Complex problems are simplified when you look at your data in the right context. Guru Views is a curated collection of proven views, tables and boards. Analyze your data more effectively and make better product decisions by tapping into these elite product management views.

Capacity planning

href="https://craft.io/guru_views/team-member-capacity/" class="listBlog_thumb img-position">

Team Member Capacity

Plan and distribute like a pro by allocating tasks among your team members according to each individual’s available capacity. Quickly understand if you have enough capacity to get the job done on time.

href="https://craft.io/guru_views/role-capacity-planning/" class="listBlog_thumb img-position">

Role Capacity Planning

Meet your deadlines and quickly determine if you need more resources by using the Role Capacity Planning View to see each team member’s workload alongside their overall work capacity.

href="https://craft.io/guru_views/team-capacity-planning/" class="listBlog_thumb img-position">

Team Capacity Planning

Effectively distribute the workload and plan and prioritize items across all of your teams according to your existing capacity. Make sure you have the right skills in place and enough manpower to get the job done on time.

Development Tracking

href="https://craft.io/guru_views/sprint-dev-status-ado/" class="listBlog_thumb img-position">

Sprint Dev Status — ADO

Plan and manage more effectively with centralized visualization of all the items in your Sprints, including their real-time ADO status.

href="https://craft.io/guru_views/release-dev-status-ado/" class="listBlog_thumb img-position">

Release Dev Status — ADO

Skillfully manage your Releases and make sure you hit your deadlines with real-time visualization of your Releases’ ADO dev statuses directly in craft.io.

href="https://craft.io/guru_views/sprint-dev-status-jira/" class="listBlog_thumb img-position">

Sprint Dev Status — Jira

Make sure you deliver high-quality Sprints on time, every time, by accessing the real-time Jira dev status for all of the items in your Sprints.

href="https://craft.io/guru_views/release-dev-status-jira/" class="listBlog_thumb img-position">

Release Dev Status — Jira

Plan more effectively and cut last minute surprises down to a minimum by instantly visualizing the dev status of all of the items in your Release.

href="https://craft.io/guru_views/bug-status-by-product/" class="listBlog_thumb img-position">

Bug Status by Product

Manage the quality of your products more effectively by instantly visualizing all of the open bugs for a specific product, grouped by importance.

href="https://craft.io/guru_views/bug-status/" class="listBlog_thumb img-position">

Bug Status

Quickly get updated, track the dev status and see other important issues regarding open bugs across all of your products.


href="https://craft.io/guru_views/top-feedback-items/" class="listBlog_thumb img-position">

Top Feedback Items

Prioritize your customer satisfaction levels by focusing on the items that generate the most feedback from your customers and colleagues.


Take your products to the next level with all-star views that simplify every aspect of the planning process.


href="https://craft.io/guru_views/feature-bucket/" class="listBlog_thumb img-position">

Feature Bucket

Develop a more balanced, well-rounded product by classifying items that impact the same metrics into groups or ‘buckets’.

href="https://craft.io/guru_views/upcoming-sprints/" class="listBlog_thumb img-position">

Upcoming Sprints

Plan your next Sprints more effectively using the Kanban View — with tasks represented as cards assigned to specific team members.


href="https://craft.io/guru_views/features-by-importance/" class="listBlog_thumb img-position">

Features by Importance

Focus your efforts on developing the items that are critically important to your product’s success.

href="https://craft.io/guru_views/value-effort-prioritization/" class="listBlog_thumb img-position">

Value/Effort Prioritization

Prioritize your tasks according to the value they provide divided by the effort and resources it takes to develop them.

href="https://craft.io/guru_views/weighted-scoring/" class="listBlog_thumb img-position">

Weighted Scoring

Prioritize your items by scoring them according to their impact on the business drivers that are critical to your product’s success.

href="https://craft.io/guru_views/opportunity-scoring/" class="listBlog_thumb img-position">

Opportunity Scoring

Increase customer satisfaction and loyalty by prioritizing items that customers consider important but feel are currently less than satisfactory.

href="https://craft.io/guru_views/feature-bucket/" class="listBlog_thumb img-position">

Feature Bucket

Develop a more balanced, well-rounded product by classifying items that impact the same metrics into groups or ‘buckets’.

href="https://craft.io/guru_views/kano-model/" class="listBlog_thumb img-position">

KANO Model

Prioritize customer satisfaction by promoting items according to their potential to delight your customers versus the time and resources it’d take to develop them.

href="https://craft.io/guru_views/now-next-later/" class="listBlog_thumb img-position">

Now Next Later

Visualize and plan your roadmap across three time-based buckets — Now, Next, Later. Great for communicating priorities to large audiences in fast-changing environments where release dates are frequently modified.

href="https://craft.io/guru_views/classic-wsjf-prioritization/" class="listBlog_thumb img-position">

Classic WSJF Prioritization

Prioritize items according to the cost of delaying their development to embrace a financial-driven methodology within your product management framework.

href="https://craft.io/guru_views/safe-wsjf/" class="listBlog_thumb img-position">


Use SAFe® WSJF — weighted shortest job first — prioritization to sequence your items for maximum economic impact. Prioritize the items according to a weighted score that accounts for the cost of delay and the development effort.

href="https://craft.io/guru_views/moscow-prioritization/" class="listBlog_thumb img-position">

MoSCoW Prioritization

Understand the relative importance of your items by categorizing each according to ‘must haves’, ‘should haves’, ‘could haves’ and ‘will not have right nows’.

href="https://craft.io/guru_views/rice-prioritization/" class="listBlog_thumb img-position">

RICE Prioritization

Score each item according to its Reach, Impact, Confidence and Effort to understand which one you should tackle first.

Roadmap & Objectives

href="https://craft.io/guru_views/upcoming-releases-by-features/" class="listBlog_thumb img-position">

Upcoming Releases by Features

Manage your products more effectively with this detail-oriented visualization that enables you to drill-down into the nitty gritty of your Releases, and their features.

href="https://craft.io/guru_views/upcoming-releases-by-epics/" class="listBlog_thumb img-position">

Upcoming Releases by Epics

Easily and quickly manage your product more effectively by instantly visualizing all of your upcoming releases — and their associated Epics.

href="https://craft.io/guru_views/product-timeline/" class="listBlog_thumb img-position">
Moscow 6

Product Timeline

Benefit from a high-level view of your product plans by visualizing your upcoming Epics on a timeline — manage your Epics more skillfully and show the dependencies between them.

href="https://craft.io/guru_views/objectives-overview/" class="listBlog_thumb img-position">

Objectives Overview

Visualize your roadmap according to the objectives you’re trying to achieve. Instantly see the dev status of each item to understand where you stand with each objective.

href="https://craft.io/guru_views/impact-roadmap/" class="listBlog_thumb img-position">

Impact Roadmap

Visualize the impact and purpose of each of your items to keep the ‘why’ behind what you’re developing front and center when you’re planning and prioritizing.

href="https://craft.io/guru_views/release-timeline/" class="listBlog_thumb img-position">

Release Timeline

Avoid last-minute surprises and keep everyone on track by visualizing release due dates and mapping out dependencies.


href="https://craft.io/guru_views/region-segmentation/" class="listBlog_thumb img-position">

Region Segmentation

Customize your product for different regions and locales by segmenting Epics according to different geos like APAC, LATAM, EMEA, and others.

href="https://craft.io/guru_views/customer-segmentation/" class="listBlog_thumb img-position">

Customer Segmentation

Easily visualize and plan your product offering per each of your targeted customer segments by mapping your Epics to their relevant Customer Segment — Enterprise, Mid-market, or SMB.

href="https://craft.io/guru_views/platform-segmentation/" class="listBlog_thumb img-position">

Platform Segmentation

Cut down on redundant work and increase your team’s visibility into their progress by mapping out your features according to their segmented platform — mobile, desktop, or tablet.


Manage your — and your teams’ and colleagues’ — epics and items like a true pro with these elite views that centralize, simplify and streamline task management.

href="https://craft.io/guru_views/peers-and-teams/" class="listBlog_thumb img-position">

Peers and Teams

Benefit from a high-level view of your colleagues’ and teams’ assigned items and their respective dev statuses. Use the Peers and Teams View to quickly take-in everyone’s workload, so that you can plan and prioritize more effectively.

href="https://craft.io/guru_views/my-team/" class="listBlog_thumb img-position">

My Team

Plan and prioritize your team’s workload more effectively using a high-level view of all of the tasks — and their respective statuses — assigned to each one of the members on your team.

href="https://craft.io/guru_views/my-items/" class="listBlog_thumb img-position">

My Items

Plan and prioritize your time more effectively by instantly seeing all of your tasks and items in one easy-to-understand view.

href="https://craft.io/guru_views/epics-items-view/" class="listBlog_thumb img-position">

Epic’s Items View

Quickly visualize all of the items in a specific Epic so that you can manage your dev efforts more effectively.