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Feedback Management Basics For Product Managers
Customers are experts on their consumer wants and needs. Customer feedback management is an important step towards acting on queries and demands and improving the customer’s experience. It can make all the difference between wasting precious resources – opinions and suggestions made by those looking to buy your goods – and harnessing the power of the consumer’s voice to improve your product management – and your returns.
Here’s a crash course in feedback management basics for product managers – those tools and practices for superior feedback management you cannot afford to do without.
Offer multiple feedback channels
The more channels customers can access to provide feedback, the better – everything from surveys and polls to social media pages and contact forms. Feedback management systems can then gather, organize and examine customer feedback from the various channels, for a more balanced and accurate picture of customers’ preferences and better product management. Feedback tools for product management can subsequently ensure your business offers the best possible, most effective customer service experience.
Trigger real-time notifications and alerts
Customers want their every want and need catered to and fulfilled, when they want it. Fail to do so and your business will likely lose out on many sales. Enterprise feedback management can be streamlined, with real-time notifications and alerts triggering to let you know exactly when a customer leaves feedback – and what they said. Armed with this knowledge, brands can act fast, letting their customers know that they are being heard and their feedback is being put to good use.
Personalize feedback acknowledgement
Customers should be encouraged to keep providing feedback. One way of doing this is by acknowledging feedback given with a personalized thank-you. Send out a thank you mailer with the customer’s name embedded or include an offer related to the customer’s provided product management feedback. They’ll be sure to appreciate the gesture.
Create customer feedback & analysis reports
Analytics is the backbone of feedback tools for product management. Feedback analytics helps companies capture and analyze customer feedback data for future use. Collecting this data into reports highlights customer preferences and pain points, enabling management to effortlessly translate customer feedback into actionable measures and resolve ongoing product management issues.
Construct a centralized customer feedback database
The data collected from your multiple feedback channels should be sent to a single database, for streamlined access, analysis and action. This will help avoid customer data getting trapped in silos, while facilitating collaboration between product managers on customer-related tasks and projects.
Use customer feedback management tools
Sometimes, you need to get help, to give help. Feedback management systems and tools help organize and automate your customer feedback management activities. At Craft, we find that these tools help us help our customers, for an overall better experience when using our product and engaging in product management of your own. This is because we believe that product management is a journey and it is our goal to make that journey a seamless road for you and your team members, by providing a superior platform for product managers to work from.
Start managing your product and making better use of customer feedback with craft.io